ISO 45001 provides a framework to identify, control and decrease the risks associated with health and safety within your company.

Completing ISO 45001 certification will indicate to all of your stakeholders that as an organization, you view your employees' health and safety as a principal priority within your business.

An increasing number of organizations are implementing the ISO 45001 to show conformity with health and safety legislation. Additionally business employers are under increased pressure to ensure that a rigorous health and safety policy is in place, which protects employees against possible occupational risks, and reduces the likelihood of accidents within the workplace. By introducing the Occupational, Health and Safety standard companies can plan ahead with the objective of reducing the potential for future medical and compensation claims.

Benefits of ISO 45001

Some of the main benefits of ISO 45001 certification include:

An effective health and safety management system can provide benefits to your customers and give you a competitive advantage by:

  • Providing a safe and healthy environment to do work
  • Demonstrating your commitment to maintain an effective health and safety policy
  • Improving your reputation and increasing your opportunities to gain new business
  • Minimizing risks of downtime through accidents
  • Maintaining compliance to legal requirements
  • Providing a robust system to maintain and continually improve health and safety

Interested in gaining certification?

Do not hesitate to arrange a meeting with us. On the basis of your information, we will draw up a customized offer for you.